Water Tracker for National Climate Planning

Water resilience has two key elements: robust approaches to address a wide range of anticipated climate impacts, and flexible approaches that can change as needed to address impacts that are highly uncertain. How national climate plans address water, and how it is managed as a resource when these plans are implemented, can make the difference between project success or failure.

The Water Tracker for National Climate Planning is a tool and diagnostic guide to help countries self-assess and enhance water resilience in their national climate plans. It includes both a self-assessment Questionnaire and a Guidance Document. Together they provide a clear pathway to design and implement coordinated and targeted climate action which acknowledges the critical role of water.

The Water Tracker Questionnaire guides climate planners and policymakers to systematically evaluate both the explicit and implicit ways in which water is included in a country’s national climate plans and planning processes. This includes exploring the synergies and tradeoffs between multiple water-using sectors. The Guidance Document identifies approaches for improving water resilience, based on the outcomes of the Questionnaire. By engaging with the Water Tracker, countries can ensure that plans are water-sensitive and able to withstand the impacts of climate change.

The Water Tracker is part of the water sector workstream of the Adaptation Action Coalition (AAC) which aims to accelerate global action on adaptation to achieve a climate resilient world. Coordination with the AAC will help connect countries with potential development and finance partners to make the adjustments needed to address gaps in national climate plans. The project is funded with UK aid from the UK government and further support from the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Water
Scale: National
Expertise Level: Practitioner, Specialist
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks, Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: Questionnaire to evaluate inclusion of water in a country’s national climate plans and planning processes.
Outputs Provided: Guidance identifying approaches for improving water resilience based on Questionnaire outcomes.
Languages: English, French, Spanish
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