Open Learning Campus (OLC)

Organization: World Bank Group

The Open Learning Campus (OLC) at the World Bank Group (WBG) accelerates development solutions by transforming global knowledge into actionable learning. The OLC is a destination for development learning that will build the leadership and technical capabilities of all development stakeholders: partners, practitioners, policymakers, staff, and the public. The three "schools" that make up the OLC include WBx Talks (where users can explore knowledge through talks, podcasts, videos, briefs, and games that provide a just-in-time overview of materials targeted to learning-specific interests), WBa Academy (where users can unpack deep learning through virtually facilitated or self-directed e-courses, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and materials from face-to-face courses), and WBc Connect (where users can engage with others through peer and expert learning, find crowd-sourced solutions to development challenges, and participate in knowledge exchanges with other WBG staff, clients and partners).

Resources Provided: Case Studies, Expert Support, Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Sharing, Tools
Membership Requirement: No
Region: East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, North America, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Global
Sectors and Topics: Agriculture, Cities, Disaster Risk Reduction, Economic Recovery, Education, Energy Efficiency, Forestry and Land Use, Gender, Health, Infrastructure and Industry, Jobs, Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services, Oceans and Coasts, Poverty, Renewable Energy, Rural Development, Transport, Waste Management, Water, Youth
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Other
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