Knowledge & Learning

The NDC Partnership takes lessons learned from its in-country work, as well as insights from its broad network of institutions, and shares them to accelerate NDC implementation across its membership and beyond.

The Partnership brings countries together to directly learn from one another and shares country lessons to inspire broader learning, including through case studies and the annual Partnership in Action Report. It also connects countries, institutions, and others working on climate action with relevant resources through its Knowledge Portal.

These activities equip countries with the knowledge they need to reach their climate goals and build a community of learning around NDC implementation.

Tools & Resources

Explore the Knowledge Portal

Access tools, data, guidance, funding, and case studies that can help you accelerate climate action.

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Global NDC Lessons at a Glance

Learn about our peer-peer convenings and highlighted stories from countries overcoming obstacles to implementation.

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Deep Dives

Take a closer look at our work on the use of knowledge tools for climate action, integrating gender into NDC implementation, and mainstreaming of NDCs.

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