Sharing Lessons on NDC Implementation

Planning and implementing NDCs is not a simple process. It requires coordination across ministries and sectors, complex laws and policies, new sources of finance, and sophisticated monitoring and evaluation. However, as countries implement their NDCs, they are overcoming obstacles, pioneering new solutions, and coming up with creative ways to drive climate action forward.

As countries plan and implement their NDCs, they have a lot to learn from one another’s experiences. The NDC Partnership, drawing from real-time experience from work in 36 countries as well as its broad network of institutions, has unique insight into the successes, challenges, and common themes as countries plan and implement their NDCs. The Partnership shares these lessons between and amongst countries, as well as the global community, so that they can learn from one another and scale up action. The two primary ways in which we do this are through peer-peer convenings and case studies.

Peer Convenings

As countries tackle challenges in NDC implementation, they can often benefit from candid face-to-face conversations with their peers. The NDC Partnership works to bring countries together who are either tackling similar challenges in NDC implementation, or who are at different stages and can learn from each other. The NDC Partnership creates spaces in which countries can not only talk about their successes, but also ask for advice from one another. This can take the form of targeted country exchanges, or that of small to medium country groupings from a region or with common topics of interest.

Highlighted Peer Convenings

Honduras and the Dominican Republic Exchange Lessons on Governance Structures for NDC Mainstreaming

The Dominican Republic established a National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism in 2008 in order to take a whole-of-government approach to climate action. Through the NDC Partnership, Honduras sought to learn from the Dominican Republic’s experience to help shape the efforts of its Presidential Office for Climate Change. In August 2018, a Honduran delegation met with counterparts from several Dominican Republic ministries including those of finance, planning and environment, as well as sectoral agencies. The two-day meeting focused on key aspects of effective climate governance including Presidential committees, inter-institutional coordination, climate laws, and budget integration.

Eleven Latin American and Caribbean Countries Move Forward Regional Collaboration on Electric Mobility

In August 2018, the NDC Partnership, UN Environment, and Euroclima+ supported a Regional Technical Workshop on Clean Transport and Electric Mobility that identified opportunities for countries in the region to drive the transition to electric mobility in order to improve air quality, create economic opportunities and support a clean energy transition. Costa Rica’s Ministry of Environment and Energy and Argentina’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development hosted the event, with the findings presented to the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean 2018, held in October.

Case Studies

Often, accounts of countries’ experiences are valuable for many other countries, institutions, and others. The NDC Partnership makes a range of relevant case studies available on its Good Practice Database, as well as working directly with countries to develop new Case Studies.

Featured Case Studies

Climate Change Governance in the Dominican Republic

Climate change governance and coordination is one of the challenges most frequently brought up by countries implementing their NDCs. NDCs tend to be interdisciplinary in nature, requiring involvement from multiple different ministries and implementing agencies. To successfully implement their NDCs, countries require clarity in roles and strong coordination across government sectors and levels. A successful example is the Dominican Republic, which established its Consejo Nacional para el Cambio Climático y el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio in 2008 with the objective of streamlining efforts across ministries and agencies dealing with climate change. The Dominican Republic’s decade-long experience with a centralized body coordinating climate action offers an interesting approach to national-level climate governance.

Perú Dialoguemos: Civil Society Engagement in the NDCs

Dialoguemos sobre las NDC, the Peruvian Talanoa Dialogue, is a multi-stakeholder and cross-level engagement that seeks to socialize NDC implementation in Perú. This process aims to maintain an open line of communication between key stakeholders such as the public and private sector, academic institutions, NGOs, international copperation, and indigenous communities to encourage sustainable agreements and partnerships. It is framed within the adaptation and mitigation measures defined under the Multisectorial Working Group for Nationally Determined Contributions (GTM-NDC, in Spanish). This working group, established legally in July 2016, takes an inclusive, cross-sectoral approach to national climate action. This case study focuses on this nation-wide legislative and coordinating framework to support civil society engagement in NDC implementation.

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