Knowledge Portal

The NDC Partnership’s Knowledge Portal helps countries to accelerate climate action by providing quick and easy access to data, tools, guidance, good practice, and funding opportunities. Whether you are interested in reducing emissions or adapting to the impacts of climate change, the Knowledge Portal draws together the most relevant resources from partners and other leading institutions.


Looking for Inspiration?

Browse good practices of climate action design and implementation

Use the Good Practice Database

Looking for guidance or support?

Find the tools, platforms, and advisory support to reach your climate goals

Use the Climate Toolbox

Looking for climate funding?

Identify potential sources of climate finance and learn how to access them

Use the Climate Finance Explorer

Need the Facts?

Explore climate data and learn about countries’ climate change goals

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Learn what they contain and search across countries

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NDC-SDG Linkages

Map out where climate and sustainable development goals match up

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Historical Emissions

Explore GHG emissions across time, countries, and sectors

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Want more?

Browse additional data tools and sources

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Featured Resources

Featured Fund

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) helps developing countries and economies in transition contribute to the overall objective of the UNFCCC to mitigate climate change, while enabling sustainable development.

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NDC Partnership Knowledge Portal Online Training

This webinar recording provides a demonstration of the NDC Partnership’s Knowledge Portal, which draws together the most relevant resources from leading institutions on climate mitigation and adaptation.

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Featured Tool

USAID's GHG MRV Harmonization Framework provides a six-step process that a country can apply to mitigation activities to align MRV methods with national inventory compilation efforts.

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Featured Blog: Funding Knowledge Resources that Support Climate Action

In this blog post, the NDC Partnership Support Unit shares efforts made by its members to increase technical and financial assistance for developing countries to enhance their adaptation and mitigation efforts.

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