In-Country Engagement

The NDC Partnership is founded on the principle that effective cooperation can fast-track the achievement of results and enhance the collective impact of invested resources.

Member countries who request support and drive in-country NDC implementation acquire access to a large network of partners that can deliver a flexible array of services geared towards implementation of NDCs, including technical assistance, financial support, and knowledge enhancement.

The NDC Partnership is putting its Country Engagement Strategy in practice, and is delivering results in all five regions of the world. 

Support and Services

Read the Country Engagement Strategy

The Country Engagement Strategy guides our in-country work. The Strategy defines the structures, roles, and approaches for catalyzing targeted changes. It builds on lessons learned, avoiding potential pitfalls identified from other experiences with partnerships and coordination.

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Thematic Call on LT-LEDS and NDC Alignment, Update, and Enhancement

This Thematic Call will support countries to prepare, update and refine Long-term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), and enhance the quality and increase the ambition of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

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NDC Partnership Action Fund

The Partnership Action Fund (PAF) is a flexible mechanism designed to deploy support to developing Country Members to fast-track the implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

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