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NDC Partnership and PAGE: Collaborating for a Green Recovery
  Today, the NDC Partnership and the United Nations Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) announced a collaboration on strengthening ...
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Peru's Minister of Environment in IPS on Peru's Ambitious Work on Climate Action
  In a column posted to the IPS News Agency, Peru’s Minister of Environment Kirla Echegaray Alfaro highlights a government-led initiative ca...
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Our Blogs
Vietnam’s Updated NDC: A Comprehensive and Unified Climate Action Pathway
  Vietnam is the ninth country to submit its updated NDC to the UNFCCC. The submission followed a comprehensive process over three years, un...
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Papua New Guinea Kickstarts NDC Revision Process
  Papua New Guinea (PNG) is at the forefront of climate negotiations and on March 29, 2016 it became the first country in the world to submi...
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Stepping up for Climate Action: Finance Ministries and NDCs
  Making Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) a reality goes far beyond hitting national climate targets. When considered part and par...
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Partner Blogs
Leaving No One Behind: Online Peer-to-Peer Event on Social Challenges of Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector
  Agriculture is key to addressing climate change, being one of the sectors most affected by it while also offering high potential for m...
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Our Blogs
NDC Partnership’s Skylar Bee in Devex on Technical Assistance for Climate Finance
  In a recent article published in Devex, NDC Partnership Climate Finance Associate Skylar Bee highlighted the importance of technical assista...
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Our Blogs
Implementation of the NDC Partnership Gender Strategy: Trends in Countries’ Gender Requests
  Gender equality is one of the NDC Partnership’s guiding principles as it supports equitable country-driven climate action. The Partnersh...
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Partner Blogs
Why Wetlands Can (And Should) Boost Your NDC
  By Gina Lovett, Wetlands International; Alex Mauroner, Alliance for Global Water Adaptation; and Talia Chorover, NDC Partnership With emi...
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Our Blogs
Nature-Based Solutions: From Planning to Implementation
Nature is often overlooked as an avenue for countries to reach their climate goals. Nature-based solutions (NBS) ensure healthy ecosystems and biodive...
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