Our Blogs
21 September 2020

Peru's Minister of Environment in IPS on Peru's Ambitious Work on Climate Action


In a column posted to the IPS News Agency, Peru’s Minister of Environment Kirla Echegaray Alfaro highlights a government-led initiative called Carbon Footprint Peru, which aims to recognize the efforts of public and private organizations in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. To encourage more organizations to join the initiative, Peru’s Ministry of Environment created a figure called Nono the Carbon Footprint Bear, which seeks out and monitors carbon footprints left by companies. Key excerpts from the piece are below:

  • More than 165 organizations have already registered with the platform and 61 have calculated their GHG emissions. Our goal for the bicentennial is to have at least 100 organizations measure their carbon footprint, thus strengthening the country’s climate action and demonstrating that companies, in a COVID-19 context, are increasingly migrating towards a new coexistence that respects the environment, so ignored in recent times.

  • Nono, Peru’s Carbon Footprint Bear, is part of the work being done in the country through the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP). CAEP is an initiative of the NDC Partnership, a global coalition of more than 180 countries and institutions supporting countries in improving the quality, increasing the ambition, and accelerating the implementation of their national climate plans. It also has the support of Peru’s NDC Support Programme, implemented by the MINAM, with technical assistance from the United Nations Development Program, and is also part of the International Climate Initiative.

  • The work done through CAEP is part of Peru’s broad and ambitious action to catalyze transformational change towards resilient, sustainable, low-emission development. The involvement of the private sector in climate action is essential and entails a win-win relationship. There is a growing demand for highly efficient, low-carbon products and services. Thanks to the Peru Carbon Footprint, organizations are reducing their costs, promoting innovation, improving their reputation, and meeting Sustainable Development Goal 13: “Climate Action”.

Click here to read the full column in English.

Click here to read the full column in Spanish.


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