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Intégrer les actions climatiques dans le budget national : les bonnes pratiques maliennes
  Financer les actions climatiques est toujours difficile. Au niveau de chaque pays, avant même la question de mobiliser des investisseurs, s...
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Our Blogs
Mainstreaming Climate Change In National Budgets: Best Practices From Mali
  Financing activities to mitigate and fight climate change is difficult. In each country, before looking at mobilizing investors, there is th...
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Our Blogs
Supporting Adaptation is Critical as Countries Revise and Enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions
Some people think of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as mainly focusing on mitigation. But as the NDC Partnership works with its member cou...
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Our Blogs
Leading the Charge on Climate Action: Six Countries Launch NDC Partnership Plans at COP25
In 2019, a number of NDC Partnership member countries developed NDC Partnership Plans, which can be used as a tool for coordination, planning, trans...
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Partner Blogs
Mobilizing Climate Action and Increasing Ambition Through Collaboration
  This high-level NDC Partnership event focused on enhancing nationally determined contributions (NDCs), including through the Climate Action ...
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Our Blogs
Four Lessons on NDC Investment Planning from COP25
  The NDC Partnership Support Unit hosted its first official COP25 side-event on 4 December centered on strength...
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Our Blogs
Inspiring Intergenerational Action: A Conversation with Lebanon and Armenia’s Representatives to the UN Youth Climate Summit
  Across the world, youth are mobilizing to take on the greatest challenge of our time: climate change. From global climate strikes to the fir...
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Press Releases
NDC Partnership Co-Chairs Announce Major Milestone as More Than Half of the World’s Countries Join the NDC Partnership
Madrid, Spain (December 3, 2019) — As parties from around the globe meet in Madrid for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) from 2-1...
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Our Blogs
Bringing Global Outcomes of the Climate Action Summit to the Country Level: Marshall Islands
In the run-up to the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit in September 2019, the NDC Partnership supported three member countries in their r...
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Our Blogs
Bringing Global Outcomes of the Climate Action Summit to the Country Level: Jamaica
In the run-up to the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit in September 2019, the NDC Partnership supported three member countries in their r...
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