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COVID-19 Recovery and Climate Change
  Pablo Vieira, Global Director for NDC Partnership Support Unit, joined other leading climate experts for a timely virtual discussion on the ...
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Climate Finance Needs: Insights from the Partnership
  Introduction As countries work with the NDC Partnership to revise and enhance their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), many...
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Press Releases
Chile Submits Bold 2030 Climate Plan
  At a time of great global uncertainty, Chile is reaffirming its commitment to sustainable development. The Government of Chile has presented...
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Our Blogs
New NDC Partnership Insight Brief on Subnational Climate Action
  Subnational governments and local stakeholders are key implementers of national policies. They have access to critical climate, social and...
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Our Blogs
Developing Partnership Plans in Line with Country Programs in Côte d'Ivoire
  As countries update their NDCs this year, at the front of their minds is how these plans will be financed. Côte d'Ivoire offers an interest...
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Our Blogs
Including Financial Entities in the Implementation of NDCs for Increased Climate Ambition in Latin America
The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region faces a host of challenges in responding to climate change. On one hand, it faces a panoply of impact...
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Partner Blogs
A Big Opportunity for Country Climate Plans (NDCs): Reducing Food Loss and Waste
In the run up to the 25th Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC in late 2020, national leaders will be looking for ways to ratchet up their Nationally D...
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Our Blogs
Partnership in Action 2019: Lessons from the Climate Action Frontline
Since the NDC Partnership was launched in 2016 at COP22, it has grown tremendously, and now has over 160 members including over half of the world’s ...
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Our Blogs
Bringing Global Outcomes of the Climate Action Summit to the Country Level: Kenya
In the run-up to the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit in September 2019, the NDC Partnership supported three member countries in their r...
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Partner Blogs
Engaging The Private Sector In A Low Carbon Transition: Lessons from Morocco
As African countries transition to low-carbon development, the engagement of the private sector as a critical partner in the process becomes ever more...
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