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The UNCDF-Designed Climate Adaptation Mechanism That’s Delivering LoCAL Results in Bangladesh
Residents of Char Montaj might not be experts in climate change, nor might they have even come across the term much in the past. But they know very we...
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Partner Blogs
How COVID-19 Is Reinforcing the Need for Climate Adaptation in Vulnerable Countries
This article was written by Anne Hammill, Senior Director, Resilience, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Secretariat for the...
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Our Blogs
Time for Action: Register Today and Shape the NDC Partnership’s Youth Engagement Plan
This promo video is also available with French subtitles. Young leaders from various parts of the world are leading the development of a plan t...
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Connecting Climate, Economics and Finance - New Reports Backed by Finance Ministers
The Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action is stepping up its work to integrate climate dimensions in economic and financial policies....
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‘Grounded and Credible’: Jamaica banks on a ‘greener future’ with 2020 NDC
By UnaMay Gordon and the NDC Partnership Jamaica earned global commendations in recent years for its fiscal discipline and upward economi...
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Green Recovery Forum - The Live Blog!
Thank you for supporting our momentum building #GreenRecovery Forum on Monday, June 29.Browse Climate at the Heart of #COVID19 Recovery, a multimedia ...
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A New Development Reality: NDCs at the Heart of COVID-19 Responses
  The NDC Partnership is building on increased interest from across our membership in linking climate action with job creation, inclusive...
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NDC Partnership’s Response to the Independent Mid-Term Review of the 2018-2020 Work Program
The NDC Partnership commissioned an external mid-term review (MTR) of its 2018-2020 Work Program, from December 2019 to February 2020. The MTR was...
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Our Blogs
Rwanda Renews Climate Optimism: Africa’s First Revised NDC Shows Global Leadership
  Rwanda became the first African country to submit its updated national climate plan under the Paris Agreement this month. The ambitious subm...
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Earth Day the Partnership Way: How Countries are Looking to Nature-Based Solutions to Lock in Carbon
  The 50th Anniversary of #EarthDay arrives at a difficult but potentially instructive moment for the global community to emerge stronger. pic...
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