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Fortalecimiento De Los Sistemas De MRV Nacionales Hacia Compromisos Climáticos Más Ambiciosos
A medida que los países trabajan para reducir sus emisiones y adaptarse a un clima cambiante, se presenta un desafío común: no es posible gestionar...
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Our Blogs
Strengthening National Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Systems For More Ambitious Climate Commitments
As countries work to reduce their emissions and adapt to a changing climate, a common challenge is presented: it is not possible to properly manage wh...
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Our Blogs
New Insight Brief: NDC Partnership Experience with Multi-Stakeholder Engagement: Key Lessons Learned
  Confronting the climate crisis will be possible only if entire governments, societies, and the international community work together. Differ...
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Our Blogs
Saint Lucia Commits US$23 Million in Domestic Funding for NDC Execution as Cabinet Approves NDC Partnership Plan
In terms of area, the small island nation of Saint Lucia may rank near the bottom of the world’s sovereign countries with a total area of only 616 s...
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Partner Blogs
Launch of the East African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance
  Several countries in East Africa refer to the utilization of market mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of their Nationally Determin...
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Our Blogs
Funding Knowledge Resources That Support Climate Action
  Members of the NDC Partnership have redoubled efforts to accelerate progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement. These efforts include...
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Our Blogs
Opportunities for NDC implementation in Colombia’s new National Development Plan
Colombia has not only set emissions reductions targets for 2030. It has also set an intermediate carbon budget for the National Development Plan perio...
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Partner Blogs
Translating Knowledge into Climate Action
Bonn, 11 June 2019. The increasingly palpable effects of climate change are finally leading to repercussions in the political sphere. A...
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Press Releases
Marshall Islands takes next steps on national climate finance mechanism
The Republic of the Marshall Islands’ Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination (OEPPC) and Ministry of Finance in collaboration with...
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Partner Blogs
Adaptation Actions in NDC Partnership Plans: Opportunities for Alignment with NAP Processes
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) set out countries’ ambitions for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to achieve our commitment to the...
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