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Mudança de paradigma: Moçambique lança o seu Plano de Parceria para catalisar a implementação das metas de longo prazo de suas NDC
A 15 de Novembro de 2018, o Governo de Moçambique validou e lançou um Plano de Parceria abrangente para açcão climática que inclui 11 sectores. O...
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Our Blogs
Partnership in Action: Two Years On
Two years ago, over 40 countries and international institutions dedicated to tackling climate change came together to form the NDC Partnership. They h...
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Our Blogs
Changing the Game: Mozambique Launches Partnership Plan to Catalyze Implementation of Long-Term NDC Targets
On 15 November, the Government of Mozambique validated and launched a comprehensive Partnership Plan for climate action that includes 11 sectors. The ...
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Harnessing collective knowledge to increase climate ambition
As countries move from planning to implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) a common refrain heard is “Is there an ex...
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Mettons tous la main à la pâte : associer les collectivités territoriales à la mise en œuvre des Contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) en Côte d'Ivoire
Quel est le rôle les régions et les municipalités dans le respect des engagements climatiques d'un pays ? Cette question a été posée lors d'une ...
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Our Blogs
All Hands On Deck: Bringing Local Governments into NDC Implementation in Côte d’Ivoire
What role can regions and municipalities play in meeting a country’s climate commitments? This question was put on the table in a recent meeting on ...
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Five Highlights from the NDC Partnership at COP24
At the end of every year, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP) becomes a platform for countries to discuss what t...
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Press Releases
Marshall Islands Leads the Way with High Ambition and Calls for Accelerated Action and Development Partner Support for NDC Implementation
The Republic of the Marshall Islands’ Government collaborated with international partners to develop a Partnership Plan to accelerate on-the-ground ...
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Press Releases
Costa Rica And The Netherlands to Become NDC Partnership Co-Chairs in 2019 and 2020
After two successful years of global, collaborative action to further the Paris Agreement on climate change by over 100 members, Germany and Morocco w...
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Press Releases
The government of the Dominican Republic approved the Action Plan to implement the Nationally Determined Contribution committed under the Paris Climat...
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