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Partnership Plan for NDC Implementation: Connecting the Dots
A key component of the NDC Partnership’s in-country engagement work is the development of a Partnership Plan. At its core, the Partnership Plan matc...
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Honduras lanza el primer plan de acción climática del NDC Partnership
El gobierno de Honduras aprobó el plan para cumplir con los compromisos climáticos nacionales y avanzar el Acuerdo de París; El plan identifica cin...
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Press Releases
Honduras Releases First NDC Partnership Plan for Climate Action
The Honduras Government approved the plan to deliver on the country’s commitments to advance the Paris Climate Agreement; Plan identifies five prior...
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São Tomé and Príncipe Establishes Pathways to Climate Goals
São Tomé and Príncipe is one of the smallest countries in Africa and aligning environmental conservation and human development is at the core of th...
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A Strong Environment for Collaboration in A Nation Vulnerable to Climate Change
Framed by mountains and lush with greenery, Islamabad serves as the capital of Pakistan, playing host to its ministries, provincial representatives, a...
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Pacific Island Countries’ Leadership on NDC Implementation
The Pacific is home to small island countries that are already experiencing the devastating effects of climate change, including rising sea levels and...
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In Mongolia, Government and Partners Work Together to Move the Country’s NDC Ambition Forward
By Lee Cando Mongolia is the world’s second largest landlocked country. It is one of the last pastoral countries left in the world, with an ...
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Our Blogs
Building Alliances for Climate Action in Peru
By Sydney Stevns and Cayetano Casado The three geographic areas of Peru—coastal, Andes, and Amazon—have plenty to offer both its people and the...
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Africa's First NDC Partnership Plan
By Charlie Tomlinson Back in October 2016, the NDC Partnership welcomed Uganda as one of its first members, a member that strongly believes in the ...
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Flexible Short-term Support for NDC Implementation from the IKI NDC Helpdesk
By Hanna Reuter and Anita Demuth The NDC Support Cluster of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) has established a flexible advisory service ...
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