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New Database Can Help Countries Chart a Course for Implementation of NDCs
By Emily Mangan and Mike Kozar As countries pivot toward the implementation of the Paris Agreement, many will face shared challenges in translatin...
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UNDP Expert Commentary on the Latin American NDC Dialogue in Quito
By Katharina Davis, Climate Policy Advocacy and Communication Specialist, UNDP Regional exchanges on climate action, such as the Regional Dial...
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Climate and Development Action Unite in Mali
By Yamide Dagnet and Nathan Mesnildrey Landlocked in West Africa, Mali experiences a predominantly warm desert and savanna climate, and the country...
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Facilitating Global Transition: The Role of Nationally Determined Contributions in Meeting the Long-Term Temperature Goal of the Paris Agreement
The (I)NDCs, prepared and submitted in record time involving highlevel attention in many governments, were a successful instrument in pushing forward ...
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Country Insight: Colombia
By Pablo Vieira When climate change manifests in major, unpredictable weather events, countries like Colombia, with an economy highly integrated wi...
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Partner Blogs
September Training Opportunities with the World Bank in Shanghai and Bogotá
The World Bank’s Global Debt and Climate Action Peer Exchange (CAPE) is organizing two trainings in the month of September. The first, co-organiz...
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Catalyzing Progress on National Climate Plans After Paris
By Michael Comstock, Climate Change Technical Specialist at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) For the last three years, UNDP –...
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Partner Blogs
Two New Calls for Proposals from Euroclima+ for Latin America Region
The European Union’s Euroclima+ program, together with Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expertise France, has issued two new calls for prop...
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Country Insight: Vietnam
By Pablo Vieira Vietnam is regarded as one of the countries most severely affected by climate change: extreme climate events have become more frequ...
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Partner Blogs
New Facility from Agence Française de Développement to Support NDC Implementation
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is launching a new 30 M EUR Facility to assist with NDC implementation in 15 developing countries.&...
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