Partner Blogs
20 July 2017

New Facility from Agence Française de Développement to Support NDC Implementation

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is launching a new 30 M EUR Facility to assist with NDC implementation in 15 developing countries. 

This new NDC Facility will help countries:

  • Strengthen their “climate” governance to ensure they effectively implement their NDC, by conducting capacity-building activities for all actors and in all territories;
  • Translate their NDCs into sectoral public policies, combined with concrete action plans focused on key climate change sectors;
  • Design transformational “climate” programs and projects, with a priority focus on adaptation, based on a robust analysis of issues concerning vulnerability to climate change and the various potential adaptation solutions, and integrating the management of uncertainty.

The priority geographical target focuses on African countries, the Least Developed Countries, and Small Island Developing States. The aim is to help countries vulnerable to climate change achieve climate-resilient development trajectories and support the increase in “climate investments,” with a focus on the field of adaptation.

For more information, read the overview in English or French.  

Contact: Julie Gonnet (AFD NDC Facility Project Manager) at or Alexandre Lauret (Project Management Unit) at  

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