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Key Takeaways from COP25 Champion Gonzalo Muñoz Abogabir’s Remarks About Chile’s Climate Priorities
  On 2 May 2019, Gonzalo Muñoz Abogabir, who was recently appointed to the role of Chile’s High-Level Climate Action Champion by President ...
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Our Blogs
Earth’s Own Responses: Using Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Action
  As global communities look for ways to address climate change and its impacts on humans and nature, there is one key response that has been ...
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Questions about NDCs? The NDC Partnership’s Knowledge Portal has the Answers
It’s almost 2020, and the buzz in the international climate community is all about updating and enhancing NDCs. According to the Paris Agreement, Na...
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Press Releases
Government and Partners Convene in Pakistan for Accelerated Action on Climate Change
  As climate and development pathways are interlinked, it is fundamental to adopt a whole-of-society approach to reduce greenhouse g...
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Our Blogs
How to Create a Knowledge Resource Someone Will Actually Use: Lessons from the NDC Partnership
If you were responsible for helping to implement a country’s nationally determined contribution (NDC), what resources would you expect to find for k...
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Our Blogs
National Climate Funds – A Catalyst for Country-driven NDC Implementation
To meet the challenge of climate change, countries need significant financial resources to implement projects and programs that increase climate resil...
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Nineteen Percent: How Tokyo’s Emission Trading Scheme Cuts Carbon and Supports Climate Action
In terms of both gross domestic product (GDP) and carbon emissions, the city of Tokyo ranks alongside entire nations. The mass of carbon it releases e...
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Our Blogs
For African Countries Looking to Meet Adaptation Targets, Innovative Financing Is Key
This week, representatives from around the world are meeting in Ghana for Africa Climate Week 2019, where they are demonstrating that the internationa...
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Our Blogs
Five Resources to Help You Link Gender and Climate Action
  With International Women’s Day around the corner, we have an opportunity to celebrate the many women pushing forward ambitious climate act...
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Applying Knowledge to Implement Disaster Risk Reduction
The worldwide increase in number and severity of disasters was one of the catalysts that led 175 Parties to sign the Paris Agreement in which Parties ...
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