Our Blogs
02 February 2018

Flexible Short-term Support for NDC Implementation from the IKI NDC Helpdesk

By Hanna Reuter and Anita Demuth

The NDC Support Cluster of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) has established a flexible advisory service for developing countries called the NDC Helpdesk. The Helpdesk provides easy-to-access, short-term support on a number of challenges around NDC implementation in developing countries. Governments can contact the Helpdesk to address specific barriers to or gaps in NDC implementation – for example, if government staff need specific training, if an assessment needs to be conducted of the mitigation potential of a certain sector, or if advice is sought on developing the financial architecture of an NDC implementation plan.

The Helpdesk service is delivered by a network of experts in different fields related to NDC implementation, namely:

(i) political and institutional frameworks,

(ii) sector approaches,

(iii) financing, and

(iv) data and transparency.

It does not provide funding directly to countries, but instead supports the provision of technical assistance. Examples of the kinds of assistance offered by the Helpdesk include:

  • short-term expert missions (international expert or country representative/peer)
  • studies, analysis, reports, and guidance documents
  • the collection and dissemination of best practices
  • workshops and training
  • webinars and online learning approaches
  • expert reviews of and advice on draft policies and strategies
  • study tours
  • financing for participation in other providers’ conferences, (online) training, etc.

Government bodies responsible for NDC implementation in developing countries or the government institutions collaborating with them can request support from the NDC Cluster by filling out an online request form.

For more information and to access the form, visit the NDC Cluster website: https://www.ndc-cluster.net/helpdesk

Efficient coordination, strong expert networks

The NDC Helpdesk functions as a knowledge hub, bringing together expertise of all the implementing partners of the NDC Cluster. At present there are 10 such partners, with more set to join soon. The NDC Cluster also collaborates closely with other relevant initiatives, organizations and platforms, including the NDC Partnership, which both support and benefit from the NDC Helpdesk initiative. All these different partners exchange information about incoming requests and pool their resources and knowledge to ensure inquiring countries are provided with the best possible responses and support. If a partner country of the NDC Partnership is requesting support through the Helpdesk, the NDC Cluster coordinates with the NDC Partnership to assess who can best provide support and how these efforts can feed into other processes under the umbrella of the Partnership. In turn, the NDC Partnership can make use of services provided by the Helpdesk to address specific support needs communicated by partner countries.

The Helpdesk goes live

Recently, the NDC Helpdesk received its first two official requests for support from the governments of Chile and Mali. In response, the following initiatives are being prepared:

  • In Chile, experts from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in coordination with several other Cluster partners, will support the design of an effective process to engage stakeholders from the public sector in the development of an action plan for NDC implementation in the country.
  • In Mali, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH will provide government staff from the Ministry of Environment and three selected government sectors with training on the management of greenhouse gas inventories. During the training, GIZ will employ and signpost tools provided by other Cluster partners.

Hanna Reuter and Anita Demuth are part of the IKI Support Project for Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA).

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