Our Blogs
22 June 2020

A New Development Reality: NDCs at the Heart of COVID-19 Responses


The NDC Partnership is building on increased interest from across our membership in linking climate action with job creation, inclusive economic growth and other development priorities to address the worst pandemic in living memory.

The Partnership will host a momentum building green recovery forum, A New Development Reality: NDCs at the Heart of COVID-19 Responses, will take place on Monday, 29 June 2020 from 8:00-10:00AM EDT.  This virtual forum will be Co-Chaired by H.E. Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and The Honorable Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, Minister of Environment and Energy of the Republic of Costa Rica, and moderated by Pablo Vieira, Global Director of the NDC Partnership Support Unit. The green recovery forum will affirm our founding commitment to integrate climate action with development and highlight how to put climate plans at the heart of COVID-19 economic recovery efforts. The Partnership will unveil a novel and responsive initiative to support developing countries to design green stimulus packages that strengthens their recovery from COVID-19.

The Forum will showcase dynamic actions taken by the Partnership’s diverse institutional and country membership. In a show of solidarity, a collective statement will be unveiled in which members affirm climate action as a central plank of COVID-19 economic recovery efforts. The two-hour event will feature high-level speeches and a technical panel discussion. A compilation of high-level video statements will also be screened in which members affirm their climate commitment and highlight how they are aligning COVID-19 responses with the climate agenda.  The discussions will be supported by executive level speakers from the United Nations, European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and ministerial speakers from the Finland, Rwanda and The United Kingdom.

The Partnership’s timely green economic recovery support initiative and high-level political statement were designed based on global assessments enabled by its longstanding in-country work and culture of responsiveness. Following early indications of interest in greening COVID-19 economic stimulus packages, the Partnership rapidly assessed its impact on nearly 70 of its members. The assessment spotlighted reduced climate spending, threats to the quality, ambition and timely delivery of updated national climate plans and initiatives, and new capacity constraints.

The support package and high-level statement will be unveiled by the Partnership’s Ministerial Co-Chairs from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Republic of Costa Rica. The Co-Chairs will highlight the salience of the timely deployment of embedded economic advisors to support the integration of climate goals with COVID-19 recovery measures. This green economic recovery program will add economic planning and climate finance capacity across developing countries for optimal and contextually relevant recovery measures in the short and medium term.

Don’t miss this action oriented “green recovery” forum, which will feature speakers from across global institutions.

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