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PiA 2020: The Youth Engagement Plan—Bringing Youth Voices into NDC Planning and Implementation
“It’s important for countries to put young people at the heart of climate plans to ensure their knowledge, experiences, perspectives, and vulner...
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PiA 2020: About this Report
  This publication reports on the Partnership’s progress in 2020, sharing key examples of country leadership as well as lessons learned on c...
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PiA 2020: Promoting Gender-Responsive Climate Action
  Gender is critical in climate action for two reasons. First, climate change impacts often fall differently on men and women, exacerbating ex...
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Partnership in Action 2020: How the Partnership Works
  Building Country Capacity for Implementation and Enhancement The NDC Partnership convenes the right partners to achieve concrete results....
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Our Blogs
Partnership in Action 2020: Keeping Ambition Alive
  What a year. The NDC Partnership has worked hard to support countries in driving climate action and raising ambition. Thanks to the effort...
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Our Blogs
Keeping Climate Ambition Alive: Challenges Remain but Signs of Progress Abound
In a new column published on the IPS News Agency, NDC Partnership Global Director Pablo Vieira notes that while 2020 threw the world a curveball and r...
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Our Blogs
The Pandemic Has Made Climate Action More Urgent, Not Less
In a new Reuters column jointly written by the NDC Partnership’s two outgoing co-chairs and two incoming co-chairs, the four ministers outline vario...
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Partner Blogs
Exploring the Opportunity for Pakistan to Include Blue Carbon Into Revised NDCs
  Pakistan is gifted with a 1,046-kilometer-long coastline along the Arabian Sea shared by Sindh and Balochistan provinces with rich marine li...
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Partnership in Action 2020: Concluding Remarks by Mr. Pablo Vieira
  As we come to the end of a tumultuous year, it is almost bewildering to take stock of all that has changed for the Partnership. The world pi...
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Partnership in Action 2020: Foreword by the NDC Partnership Co-Chairs
  We knew that 2020 would be important, but we can hardly have imagined just how much. This year we take stock of our progress in sustainable ...
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