10 December 2020

Partnership in Action 2020: How the Partnership Works


Building Country Capacity for Implementation and Enhancement

The NDC Partnership convenes the right partners to achieve concrete results. In our on-the-ground work in developing countries, we use a flexible, country-led engagement process to support countries as they implement national climate and development priorities. Governments use NDC Partnership Plans to identify national climate priorities, drive cross-government coordination, and leverage implementing and development partners’ support. Many are being adopted as countries’ official NDC implementation plans. The country engagement process is described in detail here. This support to countries is complemented by:

  • The Climate Enhancement Action Package (CAEP): launched in September 2019, the NDC Partnership’s CAEP supports 63 countries as they enhance NDC quality, raise climate ambition, and fast track implementation. This is achieved through the technical and financial support of 46 partners.
  • The Economic Advisory Initiative (EAI) supports countries seeking to align post-COVID recovery plans with climate action by providing embedded economic advisors to ministries of finance or planning in countries that requested it. The EIA also supports peer learning through a Green Recovery Network and technical advice through a Thematic Expert Group.


Sharing Knowledge and Learning

The NDC Partnership’s global impact goes beyond our work with individual countries. By sharing lessons learned by members and resources from our network of knowledge partners, we drive and inform effective climate action worldwide. Our Knowledge Portal helps governments navigate NDC planning and implementation with easy access to practical guidance, tools, and funding opportunities. We support direct learning between member countries and institutions through peer exchange events. And we use a shared knowledge management system to identify trends in country needs and fill gaps in requests for support.





Support Unit 


The Secretariat of the NDC Partnership 

Country Members 


Countries that are members of the NDC Partnership 

Institutional Members 


International institutions, including multilateral banks, that are members of the NDC Partnership 

Associate Members 


Non-state actors that do not engage in profit-seeking enterprises and are members of the NDC Partnership 

Implementing Partner           

Any partner (member or non-member) providing support to country requests through the Partnership

Partnership Plans 


A tool to organize a country’s NDC priority activities and match them with Partnership member support and in-country stakeholders 



This is a PiA 2020 story: Browse the multimedia version or PDF version.


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