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PiA 2020: Including Adaptation in the Enhancement Process
  Countries are increasingly bringing adaptation to the forefront of national agendas through NDCs, accompanying National Adaptation Plans (NA...
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PiA 2020: Delivering Fast, Strategic, Technical Assistance
  To deepen support opportunities for countries to enhance NDCs and fast-track implementation, the NDC Partnership launched its first Technica...
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PiA 2020: Ministries of Finance Mobilizing for Climate Action
  NDC implementation goes far beyond hitting national climate targets, providing a pathway to create jobs, reduce poverty, improve public good...
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PiA 2020: Boosting Green Recovery
  Through the Partnership member survey (see Climate in COVID-19 Responses section), governments indicated that they welcome embedded economic...
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PiA 2020: Financing Climate Action
  “NDCs … often provide a window into the government’s vision for areas of future economic growth and technology transformation, both ...
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PiA 2020: Dedicated NDC Finance Support Mechanisms
  There are a range of dedicated NDC funding mechanisms from institutional partners and government support mechanisms. In cases like the ND...
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PiA 2020: Empowering Inclusive Growth
  Fifty-three out of 74 countries where the Partnership is active presented requests to work on inclusive growth, with an important share of d...
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PiA 2020: Health Promoting NDCs
  The COVID-19 pandemic brings a new challenge to NDC implementation as countries are forced to r...
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PiA 2020: Accelerating Adaptation
  Countries embed adaptation into national action through NDCs. Building on a solid foundation of planning, assessing, and prioritizing adapta...
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PiA 2020: Climate in COVID-19 Responses
  The coronavirus pandemic’s emergence has profound implications for global action on climate change and in particular for the NDC Partnersh...
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