10 December 2020

PiA 2020: Accelerating Adaptation


Countries embed adaptation into national action through NDCs. Building on a solid foundation of planning, assessing, and prioritizing adaptation measures, countries are moving into the implementation phase and focusing on preparing, financing, and implementing adaptation projects. Out of 550 adaptation requests from country members analyzed, 15 percent are focused on financing implementation of specific projects, mostly in water, nature-based solutions, infrastructure, and agriculture: clear priority areas where countries are advancing concrete adaptation solutions with speed.

Examples include irrigating date palm trees using harvested water and clean energy in Jordan (Project Information) and improving food and nutrition security through sustainable intensification of agro-sylvo-pastoral production and increasing carbon sequestration in Burkina Faso (Project Information). In addition to specific implementation projects, countries are requesting technical assistance to support project preparation and to access adaptation finance. High priorities across adaptation finance requests include identification, assessment, and development of bankable adaptation projects and project pipelines; accessing project financing and mobilizing resources for implementation; and engaging the private sector, typically to access insurance against climate risks or attract green investors (see also “Including Adaptation in the Enhancement Process” in the Enhancing NDCs and Raising Ambition section).



This is a PiA 2020 story: Browse the multimedia version or PDF version.


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