10 December 2020

PiA 2020: Boosting Green Recovery


Through the Partnership member survey (see Climate in COVID-19 Responses section), governments indicated that they welcome embedded economic advisors providing targeted support to ministries of finance or planning.


The top five areas needing support are:

  1. Performing impact assessments of the macroeconomic situation on climate and climate plans
  2. Analyzing costs of the new and adjusted NDCs
  3. Designing fiscal instruments to stimulate green growth
  4. Identifying ways to include low-carbon and/or climate-resilient projects into countries’ stimulus plans
  5. Converting global recommendations for stimulating economies into a national context


Thus far, 32 countries have requested economic advisory support and 14 members (including countries and institutions) have expressed interest in offering this support. Candidates were deployed beginning in August with planned assistance ranging from 6-12 months.

As part of its Economic Advisory Initiative, the Partnership assembled a Thematic Expert Group providing technical backstopping on specific sectors or themes related to climate adaptation and mitigation issues in countries’ green recovery responses. This service is available to all NDC Partnership member countries.

The Partnership also created a Green Recovery Network to share lessons learned and good practices, and to coordinate country-to-country exchanges providing a space for governments to learn directly from each other.


This is a PiA 2020 story: Browse the multimedia version or PDF version.


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