10 December 2020

PiA 2020: Dedicated NDC Finance Support Mechanisms


There are a range of dedicated NDC funding mechanisms from institutional partners and government support mechanisms.

In cases like the NDC Support Facility and NDC Assist/GIZ, the World Bank and Germany worked closely with the NDC Partnership to ensure funding directly aligns with country requests for support and Partnership Plans (see How the Partnership Works section).

Such coordination between the NDC Partnership and dedicated NDC funding mechanisms is essential for timely and effective NDC implementation. Alignment with needs identified through NDC Partnership processes avoids duplication of activities and funding, allows partners to work to their comparative advantage, and improves coordination and learning among stakeholders.

In addition to coordinating with dedicated funding mechanisms, the NDC Partnership coordinates closely with initiatives and programs dedicated to enhancing NDC financing access.



This is a PiA 2020 story: Browse the multimedia version or PDF version.


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