Press Releases
28 September 2020

NDC Partnership and PAGE: Collaborating for a Green Recovery


Today, the NDC Partnership and the United Nations Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) announced a collaboration on strengthening governments’ green recovery efforts in response to COVID-19. Together with our country and development partners, the NDC Partnership’s Economic Advisory initiative and PAGE’s Green Recovery Support Mechanism will assist up to 49 countries over the next year to incorporate green growth and climate resilience considerations into their economic recovery plans and stimulus packages, to promote a job rich green economic recovery that leaves no one behind. In addition, we will share knowledge and learning from these countries across the globe.


Collaboration in the countries where PAGE and the NDC Partnership are both engaged began in August 2020, with distinct sources of funding. This includes facilitating connections between all relevant government officials and partners as well as synchronizing complementary activities.


“It is vital that we align our efforts to enhance green recovery across the globe, particularly in the countries where we are both providing direct support to governments—Burkina Faso, Indonesia, and Peru,” said Pablo Vieira, Global Director, NDC Partnership.


Collaboration will include sharing and synthesising country-level knowledge, learning, and reporting across countries. Lessons learned will be shared globally through analytical reports and communications materials, with a joint publication on green recovery planned for 2021.


“Policy and investment decisions taken to stimulate economies during COVID-19 can mitigate or amplify future risks and threats to economies, employment and health, including from climate change and loss of nature. While our support largely covers different countries, we should be united in our exchange of knowledge and learning on green recovery to facilitate adaptive programming and decision-making over the next year,” said Asad Naqvi, Head of the PAGE Secretariat.


Together, the NDC Partnership and PAGE, through support from their members and partners across the globe, will further enhance green recovery responses to COVID-19 worldwide.


To learn more about this partnership, or about the NDC Partnership’s Economic Advisory initiative or PAGE’s Green Recovery Support Mechanism, please contact Tyrone Hall, Head of Communications ( and Clara Axblad, Programme Officer, PAGE Secretariat (


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