SDG Finance Academy

Organization: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The SDG Finance Academy provides participants with the training, knowledge, access to tools and experts across four key areas of SDG Finance including (i) Public Finance for the SDGs; (ii) Unlocking Private Capital and Aligning Business Operations with the SDGs; (iii) SDG Impact Management and Finance Tracking; and (iv) Integrated National Financing Frameworks and Country Portfolios

The SDG Finance Academy ensures all stakeholders can receive the knowledge, skills and training required to understand (i) different financial tools and approaches and their role and use; (ii) how these tools and approaches link to the SDGs; (iii) what these tools and approaches mean for policy reform, and (iv) the scope and opportunities to tailor these tools and approaches to organisational and national development needs.

The course is divided into four key areas focused on public finance, private finance, impact measurement and integrated national financing frameworks. These overarching trainings exist to give a high level overview which are supported by specific technical competency modules. Participants will be able to access at this stage 48 technical competencies areas for training which are continually evolving and include, but are not limited to - blended finance, financing strategies, tax, impact ventures, insurance, impact management, digital finance, partnerships etc.), Further, the technical competencies will be structured in an interoperable and interconnected menu where partners can pick and choose based on area of interest and relevance. Participants will also be required to take an overarching umbrella competency - “Introduction to SDG Finance and the Academy” as a prerequisite.

Support Type: e-Learning
Region: Global
Languages: English
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