Respecting Indigenous Rights: An Actionable Due Diligence Toolkit for Institutional Investors
The rights of Indigenous peoples are protected by a robust and growing body of international human rights instruments and jurisprudence. These rights, often not properly understood in the investment community include but are not limited to the right to self-determination; the right to own, control, and use their lands, territories, and resources; and in turn, and the right to give or withhold Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) to matters affecting their lives, rights, and territories. This Toolkit intends to fill this gap by providing practical guidance and tools for institutional investors to learn about and meet their responsibility to respect Indigenous peoples’ rights, and in turn, avoid financial, and reputational risks. The Toolkit consists of two parts, Part A: Fundamentals and Part B: Due Diligence Implementation, both of which include case studies.