National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Toolkit: Coordinator Guidance Document

The National GHG Inventory Coordinator Guidance Document describes the position responsibilities for the National GHG Inventory Coordinator (NIC), as well as qualifications that the NIC ideally would possess in order to effectively manage and coordinate development of a National GHG Inventory. This document is part of EPA’s National GHG Inventory Toolkit, a supplementary resource to EPA’s Developing a National GHG Inventory System Template Workbook. This Toolkit can be used by key members of a national inventory team to successfully design and develop a sustainable inventory system. This document clarifies likely responsibilities of the NIC, depending on existing institutional arrangements and national circumstances. It is available in three languages: English, Spanish and French

Region: Global
Scale: National
Expertise Level: Specialist
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: N/A
Outputs Provided: N/A
Languages: English, French, Spanish
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