Global Road Map for ODS-Banks Management

Developer or Source: Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Nature Conservation, Programme Office of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment

This paper presents a framework to reduce the emissions from ODS banks in the form of halogenated hydrocarbons - often stored in old appliances, foams and products - in developing countries and emerging economies. The project focuses on building capacity at the national, regional and international level in order to register ODS banks, establish measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems, and dispose of the ODS banks using low-emission methods. In order to estimate technology gaps, the project is analyzing existing technology levels and current needs, and describes these within the context of technology roadmaps. Drawing on financial support from the private sector, the project also promotes the necessary transfer of technology for the recovery, collection, recycling and environmentally-friendly disposal of ODS banks.

Region: Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Global
Sectors and Topics: Energy Efficiency, Infrastructure and Industry, Waste Management
Scale: National
Expertise Level: Practitioner, Specialist
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: None
Languages: English
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