Energy Policy Tracker

Organization: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Oil Change International (OCI), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and Columbia University

The Energy Policy Tracker showcases publicly-available information on public money commitments for different energy types, and other policies supporting energy production and consumption. The research follows a bottom-up approach, which involves collecting data on individual policies at an individual country level, and then aggregating them. Policies are classified according to different criteria. One of the key criteria is a policy’s environmental profile that depends on 1) which energy types it benefits, and 2) whether it has any environmental conditionality attached. Throughout the Tracker, information is split across five categories: “fossil unconditional”; “fossil conditional”; “clean unconditional”; “clean conditional”, and “other energy”.

Resources Provided: Tools
Membership Requirement: No
Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Economic Recovery, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy
Languages: English
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