Climate Resilient Public Private Partnerships: A Toolkit for Decision Makers

Developer or Source: Inter-American Development Bank

The aim of this tool is to provide guidance on developing public private partnerships (PPP) in the Caribbean Region with practical solutions to integrate the assessment of climate risks and resiliency opportunities in the preparation of infrastructure projects and business development. The toolkit is considered a living document for professionals implementing PPP projects in the LAC region and is open to improvements and updating as evidence is collected. The toolkit is broken down into four distinct sections of the PPP process: project identification, business case development, transaction, and contract management. Each section includes a series of decision support tools to help project planners think about embedding climate resilience considerations into PPP development.

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Sectors and Topics: Disaster Risk Reduction, Infrastructure and Industry
Scale: National, Sub-national, Project-Level
Expertise Level: Practitioner, Specialist
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks, Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Languages: English
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