Adaptation M&E Toolbox

Organization: BMU, GIZ

This platform has a suite of tools to help facilitate monitoring and evaluation of adaptation efforts at the national, sub-national, project or multi-level scales. The tools available for monitoring and evaluation of adaptation efforts are categorized by application level: national, project, and multi-level. The national level tools include assessing climate resilience, a guidebook for national adaptation M&E systems, examples of national adaptation M&E, and a repository of adaptation indicators. The project level includes tools for project monitoring, an excel tool guidebook for project adaptation M&E systems, assessing saved health and saved wealth, and an impact evaluation guidebook. The multi-level section includes an M&E navigator and a vulnerability sourcebook.

Resources Provided: Case Studies, Tools
Membership Requirement: No
Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction, Education, Health
Languages: English, French, Spanish
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