Water Financing Partnership Facility (WFPF)

The Water Financing Partnership Facility (WFPF or the Facility) was established on 29 November 2006, to provide additional financial and knowledge resources from development partners to support the implementation of Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Water Financing Program. The facility will support the following priority thrusts embodied in ADB's Water Operational Plan 2011-2020:

  • Increased water use efficiencies across the range of users
  • Expanded wastewater management and reuse, including sanitation
  • Embedded integrated water resources management (IWRM), including improved risk management to mitigate floods, droughts, and other water-related disasters
  • Expanded knowledge and capacity development that uses technology and innovation more directly
  • Enhanced partnerships with the private sector
Support provider 
Australia, Austria, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Switzerland support the fund
Purpose of support 
Creating enabling environments and building institutional capacity
Project and program implementation
Information on how to...

The Water Sector Committee evaluates applications within 15 working days for TAs and grant component of loans and seven working days for direct charges.

Please contact the ADB for more information.

Please note, funding is only available to pre-selected countries. See the eligible countries field for more information.

Climate objective 
Sectors and themes 
Cities, Oceans and Coasts, Rural Development, Water
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level
Fund size 

The total contributions as of December 2020 stood at USD 116.401 million

Co-financing required 
Trustee or administrator 
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Contact information 
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