NEPAD Climate Change Fund

The NEPAD Climate Change Fund was established in 2014 by the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency with support from the Government of Germany. The Fund offers technical and financial assistance to AU member states, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and institutions that meet the eligibility criteria and the clearly defined targeted areas of support of the fund.

Support provider 
Germany, African Union (AU)
Purpose of support 
Project and program implementation
Information on how to...

To access funding information, contact your specific Country Office.

Climate objective 
Adaptation, Mitigation, Cross-cutting
Sectors and themes 
Agriculture, Cities, Disaster risk reduction, Education, Energy efficiency, Jobs, Oceans and Coasts, Poverty, Transport
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level, Public entity at the sub-national level, Public entity at the regional level
Trustee or administrator 
Contact information,sub%2Dregional%20and%20continental%20capacity.
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