NDC Pipeline Accelerator

The NDC Pipeline Accelerator assists LAC’s national and sub-national entities, both public and private, to plan and design investments in infrastructure, agriculture, and land-use management that are aligned with their NDCs and other national climate and sustainable development objectives.

The fund specifically focuses on: (i) supporting member countries to prepare the necessary investments to meet their climate and sustainable development objectives; (ii) mobilizing and providing resources to cover additional costs associated with planning, identifying, preparing, and managing sustainable projects; and (iii) accelerating these sustainable projects through their project cycle.

This fund is part of IDB's NDC Invest Platform, a one-stop shop of the IDB Group to help countries access resources needed to translate national climate commitments into investment plans and bankable projects. NDC Invest is a platform that includes the entire universe of financial and non-financial instruments of the IDB Group, and it is comprised of four elements: NDC Programmer, NDC Pipeline Accelerator, NDC Market Booster and NDC Finance Mobilizer. Together, the components aim to enable progress toward both the NDC and IDB lending objectives, as well as toward achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Support provider 
Nordic Development Fund, Netherlands, Sweden
Purpose of support 
Creating enabling environments and building institutional capacity
Scoping and project preparation
Information on how to...

Access projects funding by meeting NDC Invest eligibility criteria. Once criteria is met, projects need to fill out a template to evaluate viability and eligibility based on the Fund requirements. After confirmation from the evaluation team (CCS Division), the project can be sent to the IDB Single Window to request funds and request eligibility by the ESC Sustainability Committee.

Climate objective 
Adaptation, Mitigation, Cross-cutting
Sectors and themes 
Agriculture, Forestry and Land-Use, Industry and Infrastructure
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level, Public entity at the sub-national level, Private sector
Co-financing required 
Trustee or administrator 
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Contact information 

ORP Office: Miguel Aldaz, miguelaldaz@iadb.org; Technical Unit CCS: Margarita Cabrera, mcabrera@iadb.org and Gianleo Frisari, giovannif@iadb.org

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