Mitigation Action Facility
The Mitigation Action Facility – an agile, grant-based multi-donor fund – drives sectoral decarbonisation. The Mitigation Action Facility, evolved from the NAMA Facility in 2023, as a go-to platform for providing technical support and climate finance for ambitious mitigation projects with an aim of decarbonising key sectors of the economy and society.
It continues to fund ambitious climate change mitigation projects to implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term strategies (LTS) that are central to meeting the Paris Agreement goals.
The Facility primarily focuses on three priority sectors – energy, transport and industry, but remains open to cross-sectoral projects linked to one of the priority sectors. As highlighted in the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, energy, transport and industry cumulatively account for more than 40 GtCO2e, or 67% of global annual GHG emissions (as of 2021). To shift the targeted sector towards a carbon-neutral development pathway, the Mitigation Action Facility selects innovative projects that can catalyse sector-wide transformational change.
EUR 100 million
The Call for Projects 2023 is the first Call of the Mitigation Action Facility. It builds on the legacy of the 9 Calls held between 2013 and 2021 as part of the NAMA Facility. The Call for Projects 2023 is open for submission of Project Concepts until 31 July 2023.
Dr. Sören David