International Climate Initiative (IKI)
The IKI is a key element of Germany’s climate financing and the funding commitments in the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Initiative places clear emphasis on climate change mitigation, adaption to the impacts of climate change and the protection of biological diversity. The IKI aims to:
- Promote a climate-friendly economy by supporting partner countries in establishing a climate-friendly economic structure that prevents climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions;
- Promote measures for climate change adaptation by supporting appropriate national programmes in selected partner countries that are especially vulnerable to climate change;
- Promote and finance measures for preservation and sustainable use of carbon reservoirs/Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD).
IKI supports through two main funding pillars: the thematic and the country-specific selection procedures. Both procedures use idea competitions to select innovative projects. This approach ensures that the best ideas and concepts will be implemented and that the diversity of the implementing partners grows. In addition to selecting projects from the ideas competitions, IKI also offers Small and Medium Grants for small-scale projects.
Proceed through the selection process through the following two stages:
Stage 1: BMUB normally issues an annual call for proposals along with the corresponding support information. Those interested can submit project outlines in English within a set deadline. These must be prepared using the project outline templates available on the IKI website. BMUB evaluates all project outlines in this format that are complete and were submitted to the IKI Programme Office in time. The Ministry makes its selection based on the funds available and seeks the approval of other relevant ministries. Applicants will be informed in writing of the evaluation result.
Stage 2: In the second step, applicants whose projects were selected will be requested in writing to submit a formal funding application and will receive the necessary templates and instructions. BMUB evaluates the project applications received and then makes the decision on funding. If a project requires a letter of political support from the partner country or guarantees under international law, this will have an effect on the project's start date.
For more information, visit this page.