Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA+)
The Global Climate Change Alliance+ (GCCA+) is a flagship initiative from the European Union to help the worlds most vulnerable countries address climate change. The GCCA+ initiative contributes towards achieving the overall target of at least 20 % of the EU budget spent on climate action by 2020. With a focus on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the GCCA+ aims to help countries in their endeavors to adapt to and mitigate climate change by focusing on three priority areas:
- Climate change mainstreaming and poverty reduction
- Increasing resilience to climate-related stresses and shocks
- Sector-based climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies
GCCA+ support to address the challenges of poverty and climate change is based on two mutually reinforcing pillars:
- A platform for policy dialogue and knowledge exchange
- A source of technical and financial support to implement climate-related country or regional programmes.
The GCCA+ initiative aims at funding multi-year programmes with an average contribution of EUR 5 million per project (as of end 2017) that support climate change adaptation and mitigation and thus the transition to climate-resilient, low-carbon societies.
Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014–2020: EUR 350 million plus EUR 70 million from 11th European Development Fund Financial Framework for the Intra-ACP component (ACP is African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of states)