Canadian Climate Fund for the Private Sector in Asia

The Canadian Climate Fund for the Private Sector in Asia was established in March 2013. The fund aims to catalyze greater private investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. The fund will aim to play a key role in helping to overcome leading edge technology risks and cost hurdles in order to initiate and scale-up projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase climate resilience. The fund is ADB’s first concessional debt cofinancing facility specifically oriented to support private sector operations to combat climate change.

ADB will manage the fund resources under its Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility umbrella.

Support provider 
Purpose of support 
Project and program implementation
Information on how to...

First, user departments will submit project proposals to the Facility Manager using CEFPF’s application form and ADB’s standard concept paper template. Applications are reviewed in six batches and are due on: 31 January, 31 March, 31 May, 31 July, 30 September, and 30 November. Then, the Clean Energy Working Group will review and endorse project proposals based on implementation guidelines, guided by the design and monitoring framework, both agreed between CEFPF’s financing partners and ADB.

Please note, funding is only available to pre-selected countries. See the eligible countries field for more information.


Climate objective 
Adaptation, Mitigation, Cross-cutting
Sectors and themes 
Agriculture, Industry and Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Transport, Cities, Oceans and Coasts
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Private sector
Co-financing required 
Trustee or administrator 
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Contact information
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