AgroLAC 2025 Multidonor Trust Fund

AgroLAC 2025 Multidonor Trust Fund finances activities that focus on improving agricultural productivity and natural resources management as a means of enhancing food security and reducing poverty. The main areas of intervention are financing non-reimbursable operations (Technical Cooperation and Investment Grants) for

  • project design and studies;
  • formulation / review of national strategies and policies;
  • training and other knowledge events, and

Demonstration and pilot projects within the following three pillars: i. Agricultural/Environmental management; ii. Increased Productivity through Sustainable Intensification; iii.Trade and Access to Markets. Specifically, this platform aims to promote projects related to food and crops of value-added commodities, livestock, fisheries, agroforestry and related to institutional capacity and governance.The fund is part of IDB's NDC Invest Platform, a one-stop shop of the IDB Group to help countries access resources needed to translate national climate commitments into investment plans and bankable projects. NDC Invest is a platform that includes the entire universe of financial and non-financial instruments of the IDB Group, and it is comprised of four elements: NDC Programmer, NDC Pipeline Accelerator, NDC Market Booster and NDC Finance Mobilizer. Together, the components aim to enable progress toward both the NDC and IDB lending objectives, as well as toward achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Support provider 
Agencia Presidencial de Cooperacion Internacional de Colombia (APC), Global Affairs Canada The Dow Chemical Company
Purpose of support 
Scoping and project preparation
Creating enabling environments and building institutional capacity
Project and program implementation
Information on how to...

View specific instruction on proposal preparation in this document (section three). Proposed operations could be requested by both public and private sector entities, and the Bank. Individual operations requested by public sector entities (National or sub-national) will require a non-objection letter from the corresponding official national liaison with the Bank.

Climate objective 
Sectors and themes 
Agriculture, Forestry and Land-Use, Oceans and Coasts
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level, Public entity at the sub-national level, Private sector, Non-profit or civil society organization, International organization
Fund size 

USD 30-50 million

Co-financing required 
Trustee or administrator 
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Contact information

ORP Office: Heleno Barbosa,, Kai Hertz

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