Agriculture Fast Track Fund

Agriculture Fast Track (AFT) is a an Agriculture Project Preparation Facility aimed at reducing the cost of project preparation, which project sponsors may otherwise not be willing to offset. The AFT facilitates preparation of agricultural projects in Africa, especially those aimed at agriculture infrastructure development by providing grants to enhance generation of data and information that improve the quality of project preparation and make them bankable and attractive for funding by Development Finance Institutions, including agricultural finance organizations. Through this, a pipeline of investment-ready agricultural projects can be developed, also attractive to private sector sponsors.

Support provider 
US government represented by USAID (USD 12 million), the Danish Government represented by DANIDA (USD 1.8 million) and the Swedish Government represented by SIDA (USD 10 million).
Purpose of support 
Scoping and project preparation
Information on how to...

Understand steps to access
Climate objective 
Sectors and themes 
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level, Public entity at the sub-national level, Public entity at the regional level, International organization, Non-profit or civil society organization
Fund size 

USD 23.8 million

Co-financing required 
Application timeframe 

Announcements for the opening of Call for Proposals are usually made twice every year.

Trustee or administrator 
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Contact information
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