Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF)

The objective of the Africa Climate Change Fund is to support regional member countries (RMCs) in their transition to a more climate-resilient and low-carbon mode of development; to prepare to access greater amounts of climate finance and use of funds received more efficiently and effectively; and to allow the bank to scale up its climate change activities.

Support provider 
The ACCF was established with an initial contribution of EUR 4.725 million from Germany, and subsequently benefited from an additional funding commitment of EUR 4.7 million from the government of Italy and a commitment of EUR 2 million from the government of Flanders, Belgium, bringing the total contributions to the ACCF since its inception to over EUR 11.4 million.
Purpose of support 
Project and program implementation
Information on how to...

A proposal must be submitted to the Secretariat during a call for proposals. The proposals are peer reviewed by two Bank experts. More information and eligibility criteria can be found here.

Climate objective 
Adaptation, Mitigation, Cross-cutting
Sectors and themes 
Agriculture, Cities, Disaster risk reduction, Energy efficiency, Gender, Industry and Infrastructure, Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services, Oceans and Coasts, Renewable Energy, Rural Development, Transport, Waste Management, Water
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level, Public entity at the sub-national level, Public entity at the regional level, International organization, Non-profit or civil society organization, Community-level organization
Fund size 

USD 24.64 million mobilized

Co-financing required 
Trustee or administrator 
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Contact information

Audrey-Cynthia YAMADJAKO - ACCF Coordinator –

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