Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Program (ASAP)

The Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) channels climate finance to smallholder farmers so they can access the information tools and technologies that help build their resilience to climate change. Launched by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in 2012, ASAP was set up to provide a source of co-financing to scale up climate change adaptation across IFAD's portfolio.

ASAP aims to support the following five outcomes:

  1. Improved land management and gender-sensitive climate-resilient agricultural practices and technologies
  2. Increased availability of water and efficiency of water use for smallholder agriculture production and processing
  3. Increased human capacity to manage short- and long-term climate risks and reduce losses from weather related disasters
  4. Rural infrastructure made climate-resilient
  5. Knowledge on climate-smart smallholder agriculture documented and disseminated
Purpose of support 
Project and program implementation
Information on how to...

Understand steps to access
Climate objective 
Adaptation, Mitigation, Cross-cutting
Sectors and themes 
Agriculture, Forestry and Land-Use, Disaster risk reduction, Gender
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level
Fund size 

ASAP has become the largest global financing source dedicated to supporting the adaptation of poor smallholder farmers to climate change, with committed funding of USD 305 million in the first phase from 2012-2022.

Co-financing required 
Trustee or administrator 
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) (UN Agency)
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