Adaptation Fund - Readiness Grants

The Adaptation Fund was established to finance concrete adaptation projects and programs in developing countries that are parties to the Kyoto Protocol and are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.

The Adaptation Fund's Readiness Programme for Climate Finance aims to help strengthen the capacity of national and regional implementing entities to receive and manage climate financing, particularly through the Direct Access modality. The Adaptation Fund Board has made available several small grants under the Readiness Programme to help National Implementing Entities (NIEs) provide peer support to countries seeking accreditation with the Fund and to build capacity for undertaking various climate finance readiness activities.

These grants include:

South-South Cooperation Grants (SSCs) meant to increase peer-to-peer support among accredited National Implementing Entities (NIEs) and those seeking accreditation. These grants are aimed at strengthening the capacity of countries seeking accreditation with the Fund to undertake activities, and to prepare and submit relevant documents that lead to accreditation with the Fund.

Project Formulation Assistance Grants (PFAs) offer additional small grants on top of Project Formulation Grants (PFGs) and available for NIEs that need funding to undertake a specific technical assessment (i.e. environmental impact assessment, vulnerability assessment etc.) during the project preparation and design stage.

Technical Assistance Grants (TAs) offer small grants to help NIEs build their capacity to address and manage environmental and social as well as gender associated risks within their projects/programmes in accordance with the Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Gender Policy. Through this grant, NIEs have the option to hire consultant(s) to help them address these issues. There are two types of Technical Assistance grants:

  1. The TA Grants for ESP and Gender Policy help enable NIEs to put in place safeguards to address social and environmental risks as wells as gender related issues posed by adaptation projects and programmes.
  2. The TA Grant for Gender Policy enable NIEs that have previously received a TA Grant for ESP before the Fund’s Gender Policy was in place (as of 2016) to update their environmental and social safeguards by integrating gender within their social and environmental policies and procedures.
Support provider 
Adaptation Fund
Purpose of support 
Creating enabling environments and building institutional capacity
Scoping and project preparation
Information on how to...

Understand the steps to access
Become an accredited entity
Know what activities are eligible for readiness support
Access technical assistance for social and gender mainstreaming
Develop strong project proposals
Climate objective 
Sectors and themes 
Agriculture, Cities, Disaster risk reduction, Energy efficiency, Forestry and Land-Use, Industry and Infrastructure, Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services, Oceans and Coasts, Renewable Energy, Rural Development, Transport, Waste Management
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Public entity at the national level, Public entity at the sub-national level, Public entity at the regional level, International organization, Non-profit or civil society organization, Private sector, Community-level organization
Co-financing required 
Application timeframe 

The Adaptation Fund Board accepts and considers project and program proposals three times a year. The next submission deadline can be found on the Events Calendar.

Trustee or administrator 
World Bank
Contact information
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