Access to Energy Fund

The fund supports energy generation, transmission and distribution projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, ultimately aiming to connect 3.2 million people by 2018. The fund focuses on sustainable energy solutions, which is a focus area for FMO as a whole. The projects should have the potential to boost economic development and ultimately alleviate poverty. They should also be able to demonstrate an impact on creating new or improved energy access. Funding possibilities include: minority shares in equity investments, loans of up to EUR 7 million, and early stage equity to contribute to the high-risk, early stage project development phase. Affordable, clean and renewable off-grid energy solutions are specifically targeted.

AEF's strategy focuses on five themes:

  1. Access to energy for households as yet unreached;
  2. Captive power production for SMEs;
  3. Transmission & Distribution projects to ensure that power generation assets that have been developed will also be connected to the grid;
  4. Impactful and scalable tech-related energy innovations; and
  5. Clean cooking solutions, including more efficient cook stoves and biodigesters.

AEF will further expand its work in innovations that have the potential to transform markets. These include (i) the exploration of co-investment opportunities to increase development impact and strengthen the bankability of end clients benefiting from AEF funding; (ii) an expansion of investment in social enterprises; and (iii) research on gender impact mapping in climate mitigation projects. A Capacity Development and M&E budget of EUR 5 million has been made available.

Support provider 
Government of the Netherlands
Purpose of support 
Project and program implementation
Information on how to...

Access AEF funding by presenting the project to the departments of Energy and Private Equity. Typically the AEF will identify potential opportunities through a deep-rooted network in developing countries. Initial assessments focus on countries, investment plans, development impact and the AEF's role as financier. Increasingly, AEF investments are steered towards projects that foster the transition to a more inclusive and greener economy. Reference disclosed projects AEF investments here.

Climate objective 
Sectors and themes 
Energy efficiency, Renewable Energy
Type of support provider 
Type of recipient 
Private sector
Fund size 

Total Fund size is EUR 102 million of which approx. EUR 40 million is still available

Co-financing required 
Trustee or administrator 
FMO Netherlands Development Bank on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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