Turning Higher NDC Ambition into Action - Sharing Good Practices



14 May 2021


10:15 am - 11:45 am


Webinar Details


COP26 Catalyst for Climate Action Assembly at the UN Regional Climate Week for Latin America and Caribbean

'Turning Higher NDC Ambition Into Action – Sharing of Good Practices'

The objective of the COP26 Presidency and NDC Partnership co-hosted NDC enhancement session is to provide attendees with examples of best practices and lessons learned in NDC development and implementation, specifically covering the areas of enhancing NDC quality, adaptation and mitigation ambition, alongside alignment with Long Term Strategies. Panelists from across the region will share experiences and lessons learnt in the process of developing their NDCs, and will take questions from attendees. The target audience includes countries and institutions interested in supporting more ambitious NDCs with accelerated implementation.


This event is Co-Hosted by the COP26 Presidency, the COP26 Catalyst for Climate Action, and the NDC Partnership. 


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