Training on Climate & Data Tools – Climate Watch and the NDC Partnership Knowledge Portal



30 June 2022


10:30 am - 11:30 am



Webinar Details

Hosts: Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) – Panama, Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) – St. George’s, Climate Watch, NDC Partnership

Join the Climate Watch and NDC Partnership teams on 28 June 2022 at 09:30 AM (CDT) /10:30 AM (EDT) (English Training) for an interactive training on the use of Climate Watch and the NDC Partnership’s Knowledge Portal. Through a live demonstration, participants will learn how to access resources related to the NDCs, explore countries’ climate data and climate commitments, and acquire knowledge on various climate-related topics. Climate Watch is a unique tool that offers open data, visualizations, and analysis to help policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders gather insights on countries' climate progress, managed by the WRI in collaboration with the NDC Partnership, GIZ, UNFCCC, SEI, the World Bank and others. The NDC Partnership Knowledge Portal is a searchable knowledge platform that provides resources to support NDC implementation and enhancement, as well as sustainable development. Drawing from the work of its members and other partners, the Knowledge Portal contains over 1,000 analytical tools, country case studies, funding opportunities, and other resources to drive climate action.

The first webinar will be held in Spanish (28 June ) and the second in English (30 June), both at 09:30 (CDT) / 10:30 (EDT).

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