Raising Ambition Through Partnership - A Holistic Approach to Delivering Finance through the NDC Partnership



23 May 2023


9:30 am - 10:30 am


Online (Zoom)

Webinar Details

All times are EDT.

As countries focus on Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation, access to climate finance is critical to enable ambitious climate mitigation and adaptation actions. Despite growing calls for increased funding over the last decade, avoiding the worst impacts of climate change will require countries to mobilize at least USD 4.3 trillion of climate investment by 2030.

The NDC Partnership is uniquely positioned as a neutral facilitator between countries and financiers to mobilize the required finance for NDC implementation. In fact, finance continues to be the most requested area of support from NDC Partnership member countries. This is especially true for categories such as project/pipeline preparation and investment planning development, which reflect a country's prioritization of implementation-related activities.

This series, hosted by NDC Partnership, GIZ, UNDP and WRI will highlight successful examples of mitigation and adaptation ambition raising efforts while promoting exchange and learning. As part of the series, the upcoming webinar aims to discuss the current support landscape at the NDC Partnership through the lens of finance. During the webinar, the Insight Brief "Finance at the NDC Partnership" will be presented as a background document to discuss countries' finance needs in NDC implementation, support gaps, and opportunities for enhanced response from partners. Ultimately,  the session aims to consolidate a holistic approach to delivering finance through the NDC Partnership.

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