Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and Long-term Strategies (LTs): two sides of the same coin?



16 March 2022


8:00 am - 9:30 am


Zoom Webinar

Webinar Details

In addition to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the Paris Agreement invites countries to develop long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT LEDS, also called long-term strategies, or LTS)[1]. The Glasgow Climate Pact calls again for countries to raise their ambition, by urging those Parties that have not yet done so to communicate by COP27 LTS towards just transitions to net-zero emissions and inviting Parties to update these strategies regularly. It also noted the importance of aligning NDCs and LTS[2].

While several countries have already or are currently developing their LTS, many others have yet to begin. Through this webinar, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the LTS concept, its links to the NDCs, and the key challenges and opportunities countries are facing when developing the two in a consistent and coordinated way. Country speakers will share their own experiences, highlighting knowledge gathered along the way and their support needs. This will be complemented by presentations from institutional partners who will dive into the opportunities to align NDCs and LTS, including discussion on where immediate efforts are best placed in 2022 and the lead-up to the next NDC update round in 2025.


[1] Paragraph 19 of the Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, available here.

[2] Paragraph 32 and 33 of 1/CMA.3, available here.. 

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